
Here I will be discussing the aspects of growing old, living young, and being the person you want to become. Also, as life is to be enjoyed, I will be including some short stories for your entertainment. Entries will be tagged Fiction and Non-Fiction for your convenience. If you only want fiction, click the button below, and the same goes for non-fiction. I hope you will enjoy my writing style and voice. Stay tuned, as I will also announce when I complete my books.

Monday, August 6, 2018

a Man, a Rabbit, and a Ship

There was a man within a tree, 

who often would call out to me 

to lift my head up to the clouds 

where I could ever scream aloud. 

A rabbit came into a field; 

its armor bright, with shiny shield.  

Forever on a journey go 

across the ocean, to and fro. 

The waves, like monsters in the sea,  

a lighthouse beacon beaconed me. 

Forget your fight, sharp rocks and thorns,  

for my ship has a great, big horn.